Welcome 2023

I hope everyone has had a great start to the year and managed to get some much needed rest and relaxation in. I have to say 2023 couldn’t have come quick enough for us at InSeason Produce. Whilst business had been moving along nicely at our previous premises at North Perth, it had become something of a logistical nightmare from an operational point of view. After nearly a year of searching and toiling away we have finally moved into a premise that is purpose built. Our new premises based in the Canningvale Markets will give us the opportunity to continue our standards of excellence and expand our business. I’d like to thank all of our staff and our customers for supporting InSeason Produce through the transition over December. A special big thanks to our CEO Liz Goncalves who not only co-ordinated the transition but worked tirelessly around the clock to make it happen. 

We have some great ideas and initiatives for our business, staff and customers. We are a somewhat heartbroken about leaving our premises at North Perth behind but are excited about what we can achieve at our new premises. Hopefully at one time or another all of our customers can pay us a visit.

2023 seems to be synonymous with the “Great Chip Shortage”. Our Chef Jerry has been able to quickly put together plan/programs in place for all our customers needing chips. We’ve been able to provide fresh hand cut Royal Blues for those in need. The feedback has been amazing. If you haven’t had the chance to use our InSeason chips just yet and would like to feel free to get in touch with myself or Chef Jerry. 

Fingers crossed we don’t have too brutal a summer. There are many growers who are still not producing at even close to capacity, the last thing we need are heat affected crops causing turmoil to already limited amounts of Fresh Produce. As always if you need more specific information regarding supplies of fresh produce we encourage you all to get in touch.

Customers, we love your feedback and what you’re getting up to. Please share with us your ideas, thoughts and initiatives. We can all encourage each other to build our businesses and brands. We really would like if you can send some pictures/photos so we can use for media.

Have an awesome 2023

Mica Martinovich 

Business Development Manager

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