Say Hello To Netti Farms

At InSeason we are devoted to quality fresh ingredients. We have great pride in sourcing and supplying produce from our local growers in Western Australia. As a result, we are very keen to showcase our local growers, starting with Netti Farms. Owned by the Machlin family, Netti’s farm is based in Gingin, and is a favourite supplier of mouthwatering, sun-kissed pomegranates. Not to mention ‘Finger Limes’, a unique Australian delicacy which we are currently stocking for a limited time. Diane of the Machlin family has supplied us with a little history into the origins of Netti’s Farm that we’d like to share with you:

“In 1977 Amos and Jeannette Machlin bought a picturesque property in Gingin  to provide them with another avenue of activity to enjoy together. They pioneered a nut and fruit farm growing pecans, macadamias and pistachios as well as avocados and limes. They worked side by side in the orchard, Jeannette often driving the tractor whilst Amos walked alongside doing the weeding and other jobs.

Jeannette passed away in 2002 after a 10 year illness and Amos has struggled to find another such reliable hard worker to take her place.

He has named the farm Netti’s Place in her memory.”

As previously mentioned, the Pomegranates supplied by Netti’s farm are to die for, and we recommend getting your hands on some this month!

Autumn Spotlight: Pomegrantes & More

Unfortunately the last remnants of summer have gone and with it many of our wonderful summer fruits. We can say goodbye to mangoes, peaches, nectarines, apricots and cherries. Berries are available, however it’s fair to say they are not at their premium. For a short time we can still supply amazing shadehouse Figs and late season plums.

Don’t despair, there are still a lot of options. There’s a reason we keep talking about pomegranates, now’s as good as time as ever to get your hands on some! My personal favourite autumn fruit would have to be the Autumn Crisp grapes from the Swan Valley. We are so lucky to be home to one of the most delicious products in the world. Autumn also delivers us Fuyu Fruit, persimmons, feijoas, new season apples and pears. It’s such an experience to bite into a crisp Pink Lady, Granny Smith or a Bravo, our rising star in the apple industry.

Autumn is the best time for fresh vegetables as the crops aren’t subjected to harsh summer conditions. Quality of vegetables is at its best this time of the year. There is still time to use heirloom tomatoes, pumpkins, capsicums and squash. A favourite amongst many chefs are Jerusalem artichokes. We expect these to be available mid to late April.

Whilst there is so much to be encouraged about at the moment we should recognise that many growers in the Coastal midwest have been affected by Cyclone Seroja.  Our hearts go out to this amazing group as we understand the effort you put into providing us fresh produce. Thank you for all that you do and we wish you all a speedy recovery. Hopefully we can all turn over a new leaf this autumn.

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