February InSeason Update

Sales & Client Relationship Manager: Anne Thompson

Introducing our newest team member Anne Thompson. Anne has worked in the fresh produce industry for more than 6 years and we are very excited for her to take the role of our Sales and Client Relationship Manager. Her experience includes working with the Department of Agriculture and Food for several years, and prior to starting at InSeason worked with the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development working with growers in WA to build a resilient and sustainable fresh produce industry. Anne enjoys building relationships with our customers, and as a point of contact is always available. Welcome Anne!

Produce Update

What a time we live in! With Covid-19 entering the community we understand how difficult it is for our clients In the face of new restrictions. Our team is fully compliant with vaccination mandates and we observe the best Covid-19 safe practices. If there is anything we can do to help venues, please reach out and ask.

Although there’s been quite a few challenges due to prolonged and record heatwaves, InSeason, in collaboration with our growers, managed to supply our customers with the best available produce. We encourage customers to reach out if they need any produce advice or with any other queries. We are always here to help and especially in this current climate it’s important to stick together.

On a positive note we have a great supply of quality stone fruit and other tasty summer fruits to cheer us up!

Explore More

Find out what fresh fruit and vegetables are currently in season.

See all the freshest Perth fruit and vegetables news from InSeason.

Check out more information on our community fresh produce market.

Learn more about our produce and community efforts.