‘Introducing Venue Of The Week’

As our way of helping the hospitality community, some Sundays from 8am-10am a range of lucky customers of Walcott St Markets will receive a special promotion to support local hospitality venues. Last week the first 150 customers received a $30 voucher for Storehouse Perth Subiaco. Storehouse Perth Subiaco is an atmospheric rooftop restaurant and bar located on level 9 with incredible views over the Perth city skyline. We strongly recommend trying their food! 

Not only does Walcott St Markets give the public access to fresh, local and high quality fruit and vegetables, you now can enjoy some free food at some of Perth’s best restaurants.

Come say hi Sunday at 265 Walcott Street, North Perth and load up on some quality produce usually reserved for wholesale!

Perth Vegetable/Herb Supply shortage

Due to the cyclone a few weeks back, the cold weather, labour shortages and ell the list goes on, we are unfortunately experiencing a supply shortage for some produce. These include some asian vegetables such as Bok Choy and Choy Sum. It is also difficult to get our hands on herbs, in particular mint, chives and basil.

It’s not all bad news! Our strawberries and blood oranges are of the highest quality and are ready to enjoy. Feel free to contact us with any questions in regards to produce availability.

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Find out what fresh fruit and vegetables are currently in season.

See all the freshest Perth fruit and vegetables news from InSeason.

Check out more information on our community fresh produce market.

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