‘A Year Gone by’

2020 at InSeason

If we could summarise the year gone by in a single word, that word would be ‘change’. While these changes for many businesses were negative, and unfortunately inevitable, here at InSeason Produce we were able to adapt. Despite also feeling the pain of restrictions, we were able to operate in a Covid safe way and give back to the community, largely due to our amazing team. As an endeavour to support our growers and keep our workers employed and working, we saw the introduction of ‘Walcott St Markets’. An exciting market that was so popular among the community, it still runs every Sunday. Seeing the familiar faces of our customers every weekend, reminds us that the ‘change’ we went through in 2020 had a lot of positives too.

Here at InSeason we truly are a people-focused business. We have a team of individuals who care about their work and because of their hard work and passion, we not only survived 2020, but it changed us for the better. It is evident that if you look after your staff, they will look after the business. So from every member at InSeason, thank you to everyone who supported us, from our amazing wholesale customers, to our new community customers who we get the pleasure of serving every Sunday.

Fruit and veggies grow and change. They go through seasons. So just like the produce we lovingly bring to you, we believe that right now, in 2021, we are InSeason. 🙂

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See all the freshest Perth fruit and vegetables news from InSeason.

Check out more information on our community fresh produce market.

Learn more about our produce and community efforts.